Celebrate (with Us) the Hands that Feed You!
This page has been updated to reflect the cancellation of our Book Club launch.

Today marks the start of not only Terra Madre Salone del Gusto's six-month-long celebration of good, clean, and fair food, but also Slow Food Columbus's six-week-long "Celebrate the Hands that Feed You"! Around this time of the year, we would have held our annual fundraiser Shake the Hand that Feeds You. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we have switched gears to an alternate format. Please take note that we are still raising funds throughout Celebrate the Hands. Any funds raised through donations and the below events will be split between Slow Food Columbus and the Bronzeville Agricademy (more information of which is provided below).
We invite you to participate in as much as you're able and encourage you to add #SlowFoodCbus and #celebratethehandsthatfeedyou to any social media posts that you think embody what good, clean, and fair food looks like in your community. For information regarding any of the following programs/events, please do not hesitate to contact our Chapter Leader at markanthony@slowfoodcolumbus.org.
OVERVIEW OF EVENTS (read further below for more information):
October 8 - Series launch; Book Club sign-up available; Trust Fall sign-up available; t-shirt design contest
October 20 - Lecture Series: "Inclusion" (advanced registration required)
October 28 - Deadline to submit a t-shirt design
October 30 - Deadline to sign up for a CFA Trust Fall meal
October 31 - Voting begins on t-shirt design
November 7 - Trust Fall with Columbus Food Adventures
November 14 - Voting closes on t-shirt design
November 17 - Lecture Series: "Justice" (advanced registration required)
November 18 - Winning t-shirt design announced
Do you have any events or event ideas you would like us to include as part of this year's line-up? Or perhaps for after the end of Celebrate the Hands that Feed You? Contact markanthony@slowfoodcolumbus.org if so!
COLUMBUS FOOD ADVENTURES TRUST FALL: November 7th; sign up by October 30th

Have you been fortunate to try one or more (or maybe even many) of the delicious Trust Fall offerings organized by Columbus Food Adventures? If not, or even if you have, we are excited to announce a special partnership with CFA as part of Celebrate the Hands that Feed You on Saturday, November 7th!
The value of the Trust Fall comes with an element of surprise, as it will be fellow Slow Food members and former Slow Food Columbus Board members Bethia Woolf and Andy Dehus (the owners of Columbus Food Adventures) who will choose one of their favorite Slow Food-friendly immigrant restaurants and select enough of their favorite dishes to amount to a full meal for 2 people, all of which will be delivered directly to you.
To make this an extra special meal, the $60-dinner for two includes an extra course (compared to a typical Trust Fall meal) and a $10 donation to Slow Food Columbus. Usually, 20 sets of Trust Fall dinners are available on a given night (30 on Fridays). For our November 7th dinner, however, we'll work with Bethia and Andy to deliver 45 meals throughout Franklin County (normally the limit is within the 270 Outerbelt.) For those outside of Franklin County, you will receive an email on November 7th with the restaurant name and address to pick up your meal. Until then, the location and menu will be kept a secret! Importantly, please note we are not able to accommodate dietary restrictions. Finally, ticket sales are only available via the following links (i.e., they can't be found on CFA's website). Anyone wanting to claim a spot needs to do so by Friday, October 30th, after which time this opportunity will be made public.

T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST: Submissions by October 28th; voting begins October 31st and ends November 14th; winning design announced November 18th
Do you love Slow Food? Do have an eye for design? Do you want that design to be printed on Slow Food Columbus swag? Maybe this is the contest for you! We are seeking contributions to our first-ever t-shirt design contest. To submit a design, please email your design image (at least 300 DPI) directly to design@slowfoodcolumbus.org.
AUTUMN LECTURE SERIES WITH APOP: "Inclusion" on October 20th; "Justice" on November 17th
Click on the below images to register for one of our upcoming lectures. For additional information, click this link.
In lieu of our annual Shake the Hand that Feeds You dinner, we will be fundraising throughout Celebrate the Hands that Feed You for Slow Food Columbus's ongoing programmatic efforts and The Bronzeville Agricademy.

The Bronzeville Agricademy, led by Julialynne Walker of the Bronzeville Growers Market (who spoke during our first autumn lecture series event) teaches urban farmers about agricultural production, agricultural/food literacy, and farm operation. This work is done among ethnic communities, women, veterans, and inexperienced food producers on the Near East Side of Columbus. Funds that we raise through Celebrate the Hands that Feed You will go toward Bronzeville Agricademy kits that include a planting container, 4 bags of soil, a bag of compost, and seeds and/or starter plants.
As part of Celebrate the Hands that Feed You, we are launching our first-ever book club! Over the course of three online gatherings, we will read and discuss Sarah Lohman's Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine. The book itself is available to borrow through the Columbus library system and for purchase through various online venues. Gatherings are currently scheduled to take place from 7-8:30pm on the following Wednesdays:
October 21st: Chapters 1 and 2
November 4th: Chapters 3-5
November 18th: Chapters 6-8 (plus Epilogue)
The cost associated with this particular series is $12 ($10 for Slow Food members), which includes access to the group reading link, 2 vanilla bean pods, and 4 each of the peppercorns discussed in Lohman's book.
We have decided at this time to cancel our Book Club launch. If you are interested in joining the Book Club in the future, please contact bookclub@slowfoodcolumbus.org to be placed on the mailing list.
If you aren't already following us on social media, we encourage you to do so to keep up with the above events and related Celebrate the Hands that Feed You announcements! Also, don't forget to add #SlowFoodCbus and #celebratethehandsthatfeedyou to any social media posts that you think embody what good, clean, and fair food looks like in your community!!